20 Mar 2025

In March 2019, a formal partnership agreement on Closing the Gap was signed by the Australian Government, the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (CAPO), state and territory governments and the Australian Local Government Association.
The National Agreement is based on the belief that when Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have a genuine say in the design and delivery of services that affect them, and their cultures are strong, better life outcomes are achieved. The parties have agreed that all activities should be implemented in a way that takes full account of, promotes, and does not diminish in any way Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures.
The theme for National Close the Gap Day on March 20 2025 is "Agency, Leadership, Reform: Ensuring the survival, dignity and wellbeing of First Nations Peoples".
By improving our knowledge and listening to Aboriginal voices, we will work together to help build educational environments that are culturally safe, free of racism and wonderful places to work and to learn.
Useful Links
· Get to know your local AECG https://www.aecg.nsw.edu.au/about/
· National Agreement https://www.closingthegap.gov.au/national-agreement
· NSW CAPO https://alc.org.au/nsw-capo/
· Connected Communities Strategy https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/aec/connected-communities/connected-communities-strategy
· Resources | Department of Education
Source: Closing the Gap
References: NSW DoE Reconciliation resources