NSW Centre for Effective Reading

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Organisational support

Organisational support

Executive functions are the skills that help us prioritize tasks, filter distractions and control  impulses. Research tells us that these skills continue to develop well into young adulthood. One skill that is important for our children and their learning is the ability to organise and plan.  

Children who struggle with organisation and planning might constantly misplace things or forget to complete their homework. You might notice that they might take an extraordinarily long time to get dressed or become overwhelmed while doing simple chores around the house. If your child has difficulty with organisational skills, there are some evidenced-based strategies you can use to help. 


  • Do things the same way. Set up processes that help children start tasks they find difficult or may forget to do.   
  • Start homework at the same time each day.  
  • Get ready for bed in the same way each night to set them up for quality sleep.  
  • Prepare for the next day in a predictable pattern.  


  • Help children break large tasks down into small achievable steps.  
  • Have a morning or bedtime visual checklist. This can help children meet our  expectations more successfully.   

Reduce cognitive load:  

  • Support your child to get as many things as possible ready the night before, rather than trying to get them done in the morning rush.  
  • Encourage them to use a calendar app or diary to keep track of their school assignments.  
  • At homework time, reduce noise and environmental distractions.  
  • Consider using multiplication grids, number lines and other tools that can help cognitive load.