NSW Centre for Effective Reading

Telephone02 9687 0377




Words ... words ... words

They are all around us. We think them, hear them, say them, read them, and write them down. 

Vocabulary is a term used to describe all the words in a language. Having a strong vocabulary helps us understand what we hear and read, express our thoughts and feelings, write a story, learn in the classroom, make friends, and participate in life. Strong vocabulary is critical for literacy development. 

A student who is experiencing vocabulary difficultly may find following instructions, retelling a story, and answering comprehension questions challenging.  They might use nonspecific words, such as “stuff” or “things”.  

Vocabulary can be classified as Tier 1, 2, or 3. Tier 1 words are used in everyday conversation. Tier 2 words are frequently used, more complex, and important in learning environment. Tier 3 words are used less frequently and are specific to complex topics. Tier 2 and 3 words need to be explicitly taught.  

To support vocabulary development:

  • Encourage students to ask, "What does that word mean?” 
  • Check in with students, “Do you know what that word means?”  “What does it make you think of?” 
  • Provide straight forward, student friendly example definitions, or use the word in a range of sentences, across contexts, such as in the classroom, at home, and in the playground 
  • Ask students to use the word in a sentence or define the word  
  • Review new vocabulary as learning new words needs lots of repetition   
  • Encourage the student to record their new words in a place that can be revisited and accessed easily to help with retention 

Helpful Websites: